Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Its getting closer....

It's almost January which means it's almost February which means I am almost leaving. I have been making multiple to-do lists in regards to packing, getting ready, leaving, getting there and everything in between. I am getting excited about the trip but a little part of me is getting nervous about all the things unknown. I won't find out where I am staying until once I arrive which is somewhat nerve racking and I am a little nervous about meeting people down there...I hope I make friends right away!
Last night I practiced my Spanish using a learning Spanish App...I passed levels one and two promptly! Now to move on to harder levels...!
I am excited about everything that is coming but just hoping I don't forget to do anything in preparation! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Planning Stage!

Here I am planning and calculating what needs to be done prior to February 5th! I can't believe I am actually leaving the country by myself, for the first time, EVER in a few months! I need to say Thank You Thank You Thank You to so many awesome people who helped me on this journey!! You're donations and help have not gone unappreciated!! I am more excited than words can express. I need this adventure more than anyone may really know...I am just so looking forward to the whole experience. The new culture, country, volunteering, traveling, new friends, new foods, and new outlooks! I am surely going to enjoy keeping everyone updated on my whereabouts and whats going on in this new adventure for me!